1,000 works of art from 100 countries – NordArt, an exhibition held at Büdelsdorf near Rendsburg, is regarded one of Europe’s biggest annual displays of contemporary art. This summer, Mongolia is represented with its own art pavilion. Militzer & Münch transported the exhibits from the capital of Mongolia to Büdelsdorf in Schleswig-Holstein.
Art is known to transcend borders. At Militzer & Münch, this is what happens literally. The company transported over 50 exhibits from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, to Büdelsdorf. It took the 40-ton truck 16 days to cover the 9,000 kilometers via Russia to the NordArt exhibition area. A long trip for the delicate exhibits. A logistical challenge: the different sizes and materials of the works of art. The collection comprises traditional portrait paintings but also installations, such as from tree branches and cable binders. Militzer & Münch is experienced in handling sensitive exhibits: several times already, the company has delivered works of art to NordArt.
Diplomatic Status for Installations
The Mongolian Embassy in Berlin, the Mongolian Ministry of Trade and the German Foreign Office supported the transport. Thus, it was possible to ship the exhibits as diplomatic cargo, which simplified border formalities. Only once did the voyage come to a halt: at the Belarusian border, the truck was stuck in a long queue for four days because of the Easter holidays. Despite a slight delay, Militzer & Münch was still able to meet the schedule. After 16 days, the works of art created by 23 artists reached Büdelsdorf as planned. Which proves that art can, in fact, transcend borders.
NordArt runs through October 13 at Büdelsdorf.